Sunday, September 6, 2009

In four and a half hours we will leave for Haiti!

At 9:40 tonight we will be leaving for God's Littlest Angels Orphanage in Haiti! We are so blessed and excited. God is so good! We will arrive in New York at 3:00 tomorrow morning and from there fly to Haiti. We will land in Port au Prince at 1:00 (or 10:00 our time). Then will drive to GLA, about forty minutes away. We will update more tomorrow...
Until then,
Rachel :)


  1. How exciting! I'm thinking of you right now as you wait for your plane... sleep well on your flight so you'll be chipper tomorrow!!

  2. Hey Sweetheart,

    We are praying for you, and thinking about you. Give what God has given you...every ounce of grace and love you have...and you will have served His redemptive purpose well. You will grow weary, but Paul gives us good advice in Galatians 6.9. May that guide you as you give all He gave you.

    And take good care of your Mom and Dad. Make sure your Dad wears his hat in the sun. And give them a hug for me.

    We love you, Rachel.

  3. Hey you guys! We are so excited for you all and praying for your family in Haiti and those that are still here in WA:) Can't wait to hear how God is miraculously working while you are there working with His children. Love to you all...the Stewarts
