Thursday, September 10, 2009

God's Littlest Angels

I'm so sorry we haven't updated since we've been here! Things have been very, very busy. On Monday we got to the orphanage, after flying all night, at about 2:00 p.m. We played with a few of the kids, and then went to bed and slept very well. Mom and I had only slept about an hour the previous night and Dad didn't sleep at all. Tuesday and yesterday we had breakfast at 7:30 and started working with the kids at 8:00. We have eight children who we work with for one hour each, so with lunch we finish at 5:00, and then we have dinner. Last night we had Bible study and then made party bags after dinner, and tonight we're posting on the blog! Earlier today we went to the toddler house, about one mile away. The kids were SOOOO sweet there and they gathered around us as if we were celebrities. One little girl, Dahlini (I think that is how you spell her name) was so sweet and didn't leave my side for more than two minutes the whole time I was there. She was so cute! The older boys loved playing basketball, soccer, and baseball with Dad, and the younger boys and girls loved to sit on Mom's lap. I can't begin to tell you how sweet the kids are. It has been such a blessing.
We are posting pictures (finally) in a few minutes.
Blessings to you,


  1. I bet you were busy!! How old are the kids? Do you play with the babies most of the day, and with the toddlers some times?

  2. Sooooo great to see pictures of the fun!! You all look in your element!! Love to you all! The Stewarts

  3. It sounds like you are doing a fantastic job. When we give love away, and especially to the outcast, God supernaturally loads us up with even more love and energy. You and your Mom and Dad are serving in your sweet-spots. You all have an incredible love and passion for kids. It is wonderful to see and read about. Keep up the great work, Rachel. We love you and continue to pray for you.
